BOH Agenda



July 18, 2024 7:00pm


1.   Call Meeting to Order

2.  Open Public Meeting Act Statement

3.  New Business:

  1. Application for an Alteration to correct a Malfunctioning System for 1284 Cowperthwaite Road, Block 39, Lot 4 – Underhill
  2. RWJB Community Health Survey

4.   Resolutions:

a.   Memorialization of an Application for Grease Trap for 135 Route 202-206, Block 71, Lot 7 – S/K Bed One Associates.

b.   Memorialization of an Application for Grease Trap for 3 Crossroads Drive, Block 57, Lot 6.01 – Crosroads4Hop

5.  Approval of Minutes:

a. June 20, 2024

6.   Reports:

  1. Somerset County Department of Health Monthly Reports

7.   Old Business:  Tracking Items:

  1. Healthy Eating Programs presented by RUTGERS
    • Healthy Eating & Meal Planning with MyPlate, Wednesday, 10/23 in person class at Clarence Dillion Library, 6:30-7:30
    • Stretching Food Dollar/Food Too Good Too Waste. Virtual program on Wednesday, 1/22 via zoom, 6:30-7:30
    • Herbs Add Flavor, Wednesday, 3/26 In person class at Clarence Dillion Library, 6:30-7:30
  2. Dance for a Cure attending the Farmers Market on Saturday October 5th with Breast Cancer Awareness Information to hand out

8.   Discussion:

9.   Correspondence: none

10.  Adjourn