Bids and Requests for Proposals (RFP)


Requests for Professional Services

Road Maintenance and Repair Materials Contract Period of June 1, 2024 to May 31, 2026
Bid Released 5/10/24 - RFP Notice: Road Maintenance and Repair Materials NOTICE 2024-05-10.pdf
Instructions (click here): ROAD MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR MATERIALS 2024-05-10.pdf
Proposal - Due Date 5/23/24 at 10:00am
Results: Bid Submissions, Road Materials bid submissions.pdf

Engineering Services Phase II 
Miller Lane Pump Station Replacement & Renovation Project

Bid Released 2/20/24: (click here)  RFP Ad.pdf
Proposal - Due Date 3/12/24 at 4:00pm: (form) PHASE II PUMP STATION RFP 24-02-20.pdf

Topic: Bedminster Township's RFP Bid Opening

Alternate Municipal Prosecutor

RFP Released 1/16/2024 Legal Notice 1.16.24.pdf
Proposal - Due Date 2/7/2024 at 4:00PM  Alternate Municipal Prosecutor 2024.pdf
Proposal - Due Date 3/25/2024 at 4:00PM Alternate Municipal Prosecutor 03/2024

Trash Collection Container Rental and Hauling

Bid Released 6/22/23
Bid Opening 8/30/23
Bid Opening 9/20/23
Notice to Bidders (RFP): Bid for Trash Collection Container Rental and Hauling 2023-REBID.pdf
Notice of Request for Bid: Dumpsters 2023 Rebid.doc
Results: Bid Tabulation- Trash Collection Container Rental Hauling- 2023.pdf

Community Garden Phase #1
Bid Released 4/27/23
Bid Opening 5/18/23- No Bids Received
Rebid Advertised 5/24/23
Rebid Opening 6/15/23
Bid Tabulation- Community Garden 2023.pdf
2023-096 Rejection of Bid for River Road Park Community Garden Phase I.pdf