Board of Health

The Board of Health (BOH) has legal oversight of public health matters in the Township. The Board's primary activity is the review of all proposed septic system applications for both new constructions and alterations. The Board works with the Somerset County Department of Health whose Health Officers conduct food inspections and consult on pest control, contagious disease and other issues on a contract basis.

FLOW CHART_2022.pdf

Application to Construct or Alter an Individual Sewage System.pdf

Soil Testing Application for Bedminster Township.pdf

Checklist 1-Application for Subdivision.pdf

Checklist 2-Application for Subdivision.pdf

Checklist 3-Application for Sewage Repair.pdf

Temporary Food Permit.pdf

Well Application Permit.pdf

The Board of Health meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Meeting Room of the Municipal Building.  Janine DeLeon, Secretary (908) 212-7000, ext. 427 or [email protected].

Board of Health   

Name Current Term Expires
Albert Fischer, Chairman 12/31/2027
Vincent DeMartino * 12/31/2025
Allyson Agathis, MD, Vice-Chair 12/31/2025
Diane Telliho 12/31/2026
Marie Sperber 12/31/2025
Alternate 1 - Andy Chang** 12/31/2026
Alternate 2 -  Vacant***       12/31/2025

* Filling the unexpired term of Peter Gianetti
**Filling the unexpired term of Vincent DeMartino
***Filling the unexpired term of Gustavo Najera