HPC Agenda

 Historic Preservation Commission





  1. Call Meeting to Order


  2. Open Public Meetings Act Statement:

    Adequate notice of this meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission of the Township of Bedminster was sent to the Bernardsville News and the Courier News in Bridgewater, New Jersey and all subscribers and posted at the Township Municipal Building on December 15, 2023.

  3. Approval of Minutes
    1. 3.21.24


  4. New Business
    1. 2475 Lamington Road
      1. Confirmation of Color Scheme per the 10/25/22 approval
      2. Installation of an Exterior Tenant Storage Shed
      3. Installation of a Rear Porch Deck
      4. Installation of Privacy Fencing for Picnic Portico area (the old bank drive thru)
      5. Installation of a Patio Brick for Picnic Portico (old bank drive thru)
      6. Approval of Site Plan including sidewalk installations, Pavement changes & removal of existing shed
      7. Approval of Landscape Plan including flower beds proposed


  5. Old Business

    a. New Jersey Historic Preservation Grants


  6. Reports


  7. Public Comments


  8. Correspondence


  9. Adjourn